How to Choose Page Titles to Get More Visitors

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Page titles are the most important asset on a webpage. With that being said, careful search engine optimization for the title must be selected with care. Our focus shifts towards accurate selection of page titles so that we can achieve our desired goals by getting higher PageRank and click through rates. So the general question pops up in every mind is, “How do I choose the best page titles for the best results?” Well, I am going to cover just that in this article.

Performing keyword research before selecting page titles

Keyword research is the most important part of title selection. Why? Just imagine that you are trying to target particular niche and so your titles would be in that niche as well. While there are millions of other websites (titles, keywords) already there, and doing best as well. But you’ll do now? Are you choosing these already used words again? But these other peoples are well known for these keywords, how will you get a click on yours? Here comes the keyword research, with keyword research you can target your niche with more control, let’s elaborate how?

1: Target Phrases Rather than Simple Keywords


You must remember that keywords are going to provide nothing back to you in this modern age, as lot of bloggers coming in the internet market and so keywords are creating ocean in no time. To shine better, your focus should shift toward phrases rather than simple keywords. Note, I am not saying that your keywords should not be in title, while I am saying that your phrases should contain your keywords and so your titles should be long tails to get good results.

2: Understand your Competitors Keywords

It’s always best way to go along by keeping in mind your opposition. As it’s the only reason for this heading. By searching for your competitors you’ll see which type of keywords they are using. What’s their anchor tags for back links and what’s they are targeting over all. This part is very important, after all you have to defeat that opposition to shine or otherwise your website will never.

3: Research, research and research.

Research is vital in internet marketing. For that you must follow other blogs, articles and writers to make your concepts clear and coming up that what’s going on in your industry. Read articles for not only grabbing keywords but also to get new ideas, new topics as well.

4: Free keyword selection tools are important these days

Keyword selection tools like Google AdWords, Google Insights, etc. (others tools are available as well) becomes handy in keyword selection (you should must use these tools and in best way to get good results).

Page title is summary, while page content is explanation

Yeah, that’s what I do and must be done if you really care for your content to be shown up. Your page title should be self-describing about your content while your content should be explanation of your page title. Search engines perform huge list of actions in indexing websites, page titles are one of these actions. So, to capture huge part of Google, your titles must be self-explaining and should directly be linked with your page content. A simple rule of thumb must be, “page titles are the summary and page content is explanation.”

Be natural, be smart

Never try to over stuff your keywords so Google and other search engines think you a spammer. Be natural and be smart, be natural simply means, your titles should be human understandable rather than targeting search engines, be smart means, your titles must be machine understandable so that you can get good even best results. Combining both, you need lot of work in this regard.


Page titles are the first very important part of your search engine optimization campaign. That’s why page titles should be selected with research so that you can get more out of it. Make your titles human friendly, easy to read and remember to get even more better results. Try to limit your titles below 70 characters since that is best practice (as Google uses that number in search results). Keep your page titles unique for every page, think even twice and maybe even three times before implementing that final page title

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